Ayurvedic Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is among the most typical pain disorders experienced by a growing number of people today. This is a chronic condition that is characterized by continuous sharp or dull pain that you can feel over the lower portion of your back. This could be associated with stiffness, burning, tingling sensation with pain or numbness that goes down your buttocks to your legs.

Low back pain is considered caused by tension and stress that you can feel within your muscles which give support to your spine. Ayurveda differentiated low back pain and categorized it in 3 basic sub forms or doshas that are namely vata, pitta & kapha. Such categories are used in classifying a patient’s body type which is otherwise known as prakriti and his or her disease condition or vikriti. These are very important to be taken into account in order to find the best low back pain treatment in Kerala.

What are the Causes of Low Back Pain?

Low back pain can be caused by various factors that include the following:

  • Sedentary life – which include stress, too much or under use of your back, and postural mistakes
  • Infection in your spinal cord or on the nerves that results to lethargy and fever
  • Spinal tumor that compresses the spine or the roots of your nerve which cause pain
  • Incorrect exercise or lack of exercise
  • Obesity
  • Sciatica which pertains to swelling of the sciatic nerve

Options that You Have When It Comes to Low Back Treatment in Calicut

Since every person is different, it would be best to look for a professional ayurvedic practitioner who could tailor a treatment plan that suits your needs. For the meantime, here are some effective natural remedies that you can try to combat low back pain:

Systematic relaxation

You should spend a minimum of ten minutes in performing a systematic relaxation in shavasana instead. It can help a lot in lessening muscle spasms, alleviate tension, and to get peace of mind and calmness in the natural way.


When it comes to ayurvedic tradition, the regular oil massage which is known as a snehana is being considered as a very effective type of therapy for all forms of ailments. Massage can help a lot when it comes to reducing pain as it can tame vata, allays the joints as well as the stiffness of your muscles, increase circulation, relax the body and mobilize toxins.


Food can also heal your condition. You have to follow the vata-pacifying intake of moist, warm, gently spiced, and nourishing foods for one month and then try to find whether it can make a big difference to your body. The salty, sweet, and sour tastes are vata pacifying. You just need to be sure that you have healthy and natural sources of sweets such as ripe plums, dates and pears and never overdo. Always keep in mind that overeating can aggravate vata.

Gentle Asana

Pain can make you unwilling to move but limiting your movement would just make the problem worse. Toxins will accumulate where there’s the congestion and stagnation within the body and it can cause pain. Gentle asana can help relieve stagnation through mobilizing the blood, lymph as well as the synovial fluid.


Ginger and turmeric can aid in reducing inflammatory ache, while kava kava, valerian, chamomile, passionflower, skullcap, hops, as well as jatamansi aid in fighting tension-related pain. While chronic pain is usually a combination of tension and inflammation, such herbs are usually sold as combination formulas. They are available through the web and in different health food shops.

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