SSANH provides the best Cervical spondylosis treatments in India which comprises panchakarma procedures, oral medications, and lifestyle modifications. Cervical spondylosis treatments are administered for 14-28 days under the supervision of Dr.Sanand Ratnam (M.D. Ay).
Cervical spondylosis treatment is given to correct the metabolism so that the process of degeneration can be arrested. Deep tissue treatments are also given to nourish the cervical region in order to speed up the regeneration process. Lifestyle corrections are also suggested to provide support to the spine and sustain the effect of the treatment throughout the life allowing the patients to live pain-free.
Early-stage patients were able to resume their daily routine after completing cervical spondylosis treatment of 14-21 days for external procedures followed by 2-4 months of oral medicine. In advanced-stage patients of cervical spondylosis, it took 28-45 days of external therapies followed by oral medications for another 6-18 months to complete the cervical spondylosis treatment. Take a look at the review given by the patients for the treatment of cervical spondylosis at SSANH:
Thekkayil family has been providing cervical spondylosis treatment from past 400 years and we have observed a drastic increase in the “cervical spondylosis patients in the last 5-10 years. After analysing all these patients, we were able to find a pattern of increasing mobile phones or laptops use in our daily lives resulting in wrong postures. The ease and convenience of content consumption on mobile phones over a sustained period of time has detrimental effects on the cervical region of our spine. Wrong posture of the patients for longer period of time is the root cause of this condition and by modifying their lifestyle to support their spine can avoid any reoccurrence.
If your daily routine involves a lot of reading, writing etc. then you should be very strict about correcting your postures. If you notice any symptoms of cervical spondylosis, you should consider consulting the doctor at the earliest. Starting the treatment for cervical spondylosis in the early stages will increase the chances of cure as well as reduce the damage from the degeneration of joints in the cervical region.
We have been discussing patient’s problems for the past few decades and in the last 5-10 years we have observed a drastic increase in the “cervical spondylosis patients. This could be due to the fact that the usage of mobile phones or laptops has exceedingly increased in our lives resulting in wrong postures.
The ease and convenience of content consumption on mobile phones over a sustained period of time has detrimental effects on the cervical region of our spine. Our heads are bowed down while using a phone which leads to a generation of force(torque) which is sometimes equivalent to 3 times the weight of our head. This force results in straining the joints and resulting in the degeneration of vertebra, muscles, and nerves around the cervical region.
If your daily routine involves a lot of reading, writing etc. then you should be very strict about correcting your postures and notice the changes in your body. If you notice some of the symptoms of cervical spondylosis then you should consider consulting the doctor. Starting the treatment for cervical spondylosis in the early stages will increase the chances of cure as well as reduce the damage from the degeneration of joints in the cervical region.
What Are the Common Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis?
Patients will notice the following major symptoms of cervical spondylosis :
Pain in the neck(cervical region)
Numbness or loss of sensation in the arm, hands, and fingers
Stiffness of neck
Headache in the back of the head
Few other symptoms can be seen in some complications of cervical spondylosis such as:
Pain radiating to lower back
Dizziness on the sudden movement of the neck
Losing Bladder control
Loss of balance
It is hard to differentiate between strain in shoulders or neck muscles with cervical spondylosis without visiting the doctor. We would recommend you refrain from googling and self-diagnosis. If you notice the above-mentioned symptoms of cervical spondylosis and your work involves a desk job, there is a high possibility that it might be cervical pain. However, as mentioned, hold back diagnosing yourself with cervical spondylosis or starting your spondylosis treatment through home remedies instead try visiting a doctor for a qualified medical opinion.
Ayurvedic Cervical Spondylosis treatment (Stagewise Explanation)
According to Ayurveda, cervical spondylosis can be understood as the accumulation of vitiated Vata and Kapha in the neck region. This accumulation of kapha is the primary reason for stiffness whereas the cervical pain which radiates to the lower spine or to the hands is because of the vitiation of Vata. According to Ayurveda, degenerative conditions are categorized under Vata imbalance whether it is Osteoarthritis or cervical spondylosis.
The treatment for all degenerative conditions is virtually similar but it differs according to the physiology of the affected area. Ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis is given in two stages:

Few external deep tissue treatments are also provided to correct the Dhatu Agni which corrects the tissue regeneration at the affected site, reducing the chances of recurrence.
Once the patient leaves the hospital premises, cervical spondylosis treatment is continued with oral medication and lifestyle changes such as:
- Avoiding heavy weight lifting and straining the neck
- Taking breaks in-between work to give rest to the neck
- Maintaining water intake according to the bodyweight
- Exercising regularly starting from light exercises.
- Consuming light meals for a particular period of time
- Sleeping early and focusing on a sound sleep
Cervical spondylosis treatment at Sree Subramania Ayurvedic nursing home
We at SSANH follow a two-step process for patients with the symptoms of cervical spondylosis
- We will ask patients for the following medical reports:
- X-ray, MRI, or CT scan of cervical spines, to understand the stage of degeneration
- Blood tests like CBC +ESR, Antibody tests are helpful to rule out the possibility of reactive diseases, hormonal imbalance, or any auto-immune disorders.
These reports help avoid complications during the treatment and help us to diagnose the patient accurately.
- After analyzing the patient’s reports and present condition, we will decide on a treatment plan of 14-28 days in-patient treatment followed by 3-6 months of oral medication.
Patients are asked to update their condition every 15 days after reaching back home and in case of any unexpected changes in health, the patients are requested to update their condition every 3 days, albeit our prognosis remains fully dependent on updates given by patients. This process is continued for 3-6 months with the aim of reducing the patient’s dependence on medication which can lead to a normal routine life without pain and medications.

Cervical spondylosis treatment varies according to the patient and the complications associated.
Why do we recommend 14-28 days of inpatient treatment for cervical spondylosis?
In the initial days, doctors need to monitor patients’ condition physically so that they can understand how the treatment is impacting your health. On the basis of this analysis, our doctors design the treatment program to deliver the cure for cervical spondylosis.
Insights from Cervical spondylosis treatment at SSANH
On basis of the experience shared by the cervical spondylosis patients visiting SSANH, finding the best treatment for cervical spondylosis is not easy. More than 9000 patients have undergone cervical spondylosis treatment at SSANH in the past 20 years. 30% of the patients who underwent the treatment for cervical spondylosis at SSANH were from different parts of India and suffering from chronic cervical pain. These patients decided to visit SSANH after trying different types of treatment for cervical spondylosis like acupuncture, naturopathy, homeopathy, physiotherapy, painkillers, or NSAIDs.
Below are the insights derived from the experience of cervical spondylitis patients:
- Treatments like acupuncture, painkillers or naturopathy, etc. can be equally bad for their condition if not taken as guided by the doctors. There might be fewer side effects of this medicine but complications of taking the wrong medication can still occur.
- Exercises in degenerative conditions like cervical spondylosis are not helping you but are actually increasing the wear and tear in the joints. Hence, performing heavy exercises is not only complicating your condition but also decreasing the chances of cure from cervical pain.
- Patients who underwent Ayurvedic cervical spondylosis treatment during the initial stage of the condition saw faster improvement as compared to the advanced stage of this condition. Recurrence of cervical spondylosis has not been observed in most of these patients, they were able to live a routine life without any regular medication or surgery
Cervical Spondylosis treatment (Ayurveda Vs Modern Medicine)
Cervical spondylosis treatment in Ayurveda can deliver a complete cure for early-stage patients but as the disease progresses and the degeneration increases, curing the condition becomes more complicated. Once a certain threshold of degeneration has occurred in the cervical region, the chances of regeneration will become negligible.
Muscle relaxants, pain medication, anti-inflammatory medicine (Steroid-based or non-steroidal), etc cannot deliver a cure, they can only manage the condition. At last, surgery is recommended and according to the requirement of the condition, various surgical protocols are suggested like Laminectomy, Laminotomy, etc.
You can avoid surgery through ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis but after a certain threshold, even Ayurveda cannot help avoid surgery. If the patients can undergo ayurvedic treatment after surgery, they can reduce the chances of recurrence by arresting the process of degeneration in the cervical region completely.
We need to understand that modern medicine provides patients with cervical spondylosis management protocol whereas Ayurveda provides a progressive treatment to cure the condition.
Should Patients Be Afraid of Cervical Spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is a lifestyle disease where the upper spine gets degenerated, this degeneration will increase with time leading to restricted movements, pain, etc. In such conditions, there is no threat to the patient’s life but they won’t be able to lead a normal life without pain.
Imagine not being able to move your neck at all, feeling a constant neck pain all the time which will radiate to your hands or your back.
Lifestyle diseases are not deadly but they paralyze patients in such a way that they cannot live a normal life. These diseases can make patients dependent on others forever either via medication or support from their family and friends.
There aren’t that many serious complications of cervical spondylosis other than the permanent disability to the neck though it can lead to complications such as depression, anxiety, etc.
The best way to stay away from Cervical Spondylosis is to correct your posture and take care of your spine. If you are looking to find the treatment for cervical spondylosis then you should contact us at or call us at +91-7594003003.