Prevent COVID from your kitchen
Covid_19 pandemic vigilante: ash...
Covid_19 pandemic vigilante: ash...
Deep vein thrombosis | find the ...
Deep vein thrombosis | find the ...
Treatment for Piriformis Syndrome
Treatment for Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis muscles are located in the buttock, adjacent to the top of the hip joint. They start at the lower body and connects to the upper part of the thigh bone.
Specialised Treatment for Varico...
Specialised Treatment for Varico...
Varicose vein has become a common disease today. It occurs when blood flow in the veins is interrupted. Do you…
Understanding Thyroid
Understanding Thyroid
It seems that the extensiveness of Thyroid disease is noticeably increasing day by day across the globe. The studies show
Treatment for Varicose Vein
Treatment for Varicose Vein
Are the veins in your leg causing pain? Have you observed a change in their colours? Then you should immediately…
Sira vyadhanam
Sira vyadhanam
Effective Treatment for Back Pain
Effective Treatment for Back Pain
Ever felt a sharp or mild persistent pain in your back? If yes, don’t ignore it. You could be at the risk of chronic back pain.Back pain can affect everyone- from….
Ayurveda – The Best option...
Ayurveda – The Best option...
Blood purification for Hypothyroidism The human body has a main carrier in the body which is blood. Blood has the…