
Healing Disc Bulge Naturally: Ayurvedic treatment

A 60-year-old woman from Chennai has been employed as an accountant for the past 15 years. As part of her job, she has been required to sit for 8 hours each day. In 2016, she began to experience pain in her lower back, which gradually started spreading to both of her legs. Due to this pain, her walking posture altered, resulting in a slanted walk. She noticed that her pain seemed to get worse during the night and in cold weather. She was unable to move without assistance and was unable to ascend stairs due to severe pain. She also had some other issues, like constipation, gas in her stomach, and reduced appetite. Her mother also had the same problems. She attained menopause at the age of 50.

A physical examination and MRI scan showed disc rupture in the L4-L5 range. The patient did not see any improvement in her symptoms after taking the allopathic medicine for a month. Under the guidance of Dr Sanand’s care, the patient was admitted to a month-long IP treatment at Sree Subramanyam Nursing Home. consequently, she was able to walk on her own, achieve a straight walking posture, and ascend stairs without difficulty.

Treatment protocol:

Internal medicine:

  • Nirgundyadi Kashaya
  • Vatari rasa
  • Kaishora guggulu
  • Rasa sindooram
  • Gokshura guggulu
  • Annabhedi sindhooram
  • Rasna saptakam Kashaya
  • Guggulu tiktakam gritam
  • Chandanamruta sindhooram
  • Brihat dusparshakadi kashayam


Sl.No. Date Treatment given
1. 09/10/2023 Rasna Aswagandhadi choorna kizhi + Theppu/Lepa (Grihadhoomadi)
2. 10/10/2023 Rasna Aswagandhadi choorna kizhi + Theppu/Lepa (Grihadhoomadi)
3. 11/10/2023 Rasna Aswagandhadi choorna kizhi + Theppu/Lepa (Grihadhoomadi)+ Taila Vasti
4. 12/10/2023 Rasna Aswagandhadi choorna kizhi + Theppu/Lepa (Grihadhoomadi)+Taila Vasti
5. 13/10/2023 Rasna Aswagandhadi choorna kizhi + Theppu/Lepa (Grihadhoomadi)+Kashaya Vasti
6. 14/10/2023 Rasna Aswagandhadi choorna kizhi + Theppu/Lepa (Grihadhoomadi)+Taila Vasti
7. 15/10/2023 Rasna Aswagandhadi choorna kizhi + Theppu/Lepa (Grihadhoomadi)+Kashaya Vasti
8. 16/10/2023-21/10/2023 Rasna aswagandhadi choorna kizhi- 6 days

Rasna Aswagandhadi lepa-6 days.


Advised diet and lifestyle modifications:

  • Avoid excessive consumption of cold food, preserved food like meat and vegetables
  • Avoid the habit of taking less quantity of food
  • It is advised to abstain from excessive fasting, exercise, and walking.
  • Avoid excessive awakening during the night times, sleeping during day time, excessive sexual activity,
  • Avoid excessive stress, overthinking, and forcible withholding of natural urges.
  • Advised to take wheat, shali rice, horse gram, black gram, green gram, milk, milk products
  • Use hot water for drinking, bathing etc.
  • Maintain good posture, healthy weight
  • Practice Strengthening and stretching exercises, yogasanas

(Note* –

  • Here are Some of the medications prescribed to address the patient’s accompanying symptoms.
  • This is a specialized plan for a person, please do not try it at home without the supervision of an Ayurvedic Doctor)

Improvement chart

1. Pain in the lower back Severe 80% improvement
2. Pain in both legs Severe 80%
3. Bowel Constipated Normal
4. Appetite Reduced Good
5. Gas in the abdomen Present Absent
6. Posture during walk Slanting posture Normal straight posture
7. Ascending stairs Unable to do Able to ascend
8. Walk without assistance Unable to do Able to walk


Herniated Disk

Herniated discs occur when the hard outer layer of a disc in the spine ruptures or tears, causing the soft interior of the disc to protrude through the outer layer. According to research, over 80% of discs that have herniated are located in the lower spine.

Herniated discs can develop as a result of sudden, severe trauma or repetitive minor trauma. Additionally, weight gain or difficulty in lifting heavy objects (especially when lifting them incorrectly) can contribute to the development of herniated discs.


  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Muscle weakness
  • If the nerve root pressure is high, the leg may become paralyzed
  • Bladder and bowel control may be lost


  • Imaging tests like MRI, CT
  • Nerve conduction studies, electromyography, and other tests of nerves and muscles are performed.

The alteration of lifestyle and work environment has been a contributing factor to this physical condition. A systemic examination of the patient and a study of body composition is necessary to determine the underlying cause and determine the most suitable ayurvedic treatment for slip disc. IVDP can be managed effectively and help you avoid surgery with the help of expert physicians from SSANH. Ayurvedic treatments are safe and effective for you, and they are natural and holistic, and prevent the recurrence of the condition.

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