Effective Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Kerala with Ayurveda

A 45-year-old woman from the United Kingdom, employed as a school faculty member, started experiencing morning stiffness, pain, and swelling in multiple joints in 2020. Initially, she managed her condition with conventional/modern medicine, but as time passed, her symptoms worsened, significantly affecting her mobility and daily activities.

Initially, the patient was prescribed Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine (500 mg), and Hydroxychloroquine (200 mg), which helped her manage her condition. However, upon discontinuing Methotrexate in June 2024, her symptoms worsened, making daily activities increasingly difficult. She decided to explore Rheumatoid arthritis treatment in Ayurveda and contacted SSANH.

Consultation at SSANH for Ayurvedic treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis

During the consultation the condition was evaluated and noted as :
• Severe joint pain and swelling
• Morning stiffness
• Difficulty in standing up from a seated position
• Restricted range of motion
• Limping during walk

Clinical examination revealed:
• Swelling over major joints
• Tenderness in joints
• Painful movements of all joints

Additional assessments showed:
Blood Pressure: 110/70 mmHg
Pulse: 72/min
Temperature: 98.6°F
ESR: 60 mm/hr
CRP: 10.3 IU/mL
Anti-CCP: 239U/ml

Progress report on Ayurvedic treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis at SSANH

Traditional and tailored approach towards the patient was adopted for the Ayurvedic treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, which included internal medications and external therapies:

Internal Medications (22/12/2024 – 05/01/2025)

Sl.no. Medicine Name Dosage Frequency
1. Pachanamrutham Kashayam 60 ml Twice daily before food
2. Madhukasavam 25 ml Thrice daily after food
3. Tribhuvanakeerthi Rasam 1 tab (with ginger juice) Twice daily after food
4. Hinguvachadi Choornam 1 tsp Twice daily with warm water
5. Rakthavridhi Sindooram 1 pkt Twice daily

External Ayurvedic Therapies (22/12/2024 – 05/01/2025)

Duration Treatment No. of Days
22/12/24 – 27/12/24 Dhanyamladhara, Lepam 7 days
28/12/24 – 05/01/25 Guluchyadi Kashayadhara, Lepam, Upanaham 7 days


Post-treatment analysis

• Pain, swelling, and morning stiffness were significantly reduced
• Appetite improved which is considered as a very good sign in ayurveda as the metabolism starts rebooting and healing of the immune system.
• Ability to get up from bed enhanced.
• Walking became more stable, with no limping .

Parameter Before Treatment After Treatment
Pain 4/5 1/5
Swelling 4/5 1/5
Stiffness 3/5 1/5
ESR 60 mm/hr 43 mm/hr
CRP 10.3 IU/mL 7.5 IU/mL


Discharge and Follow-Up Care

Upon discharge, the patient was prescribed a continuation of the Ayurvedic treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis for three months with the following medications and the follow up consultation will take place on monthly cadence with laboratory investigations and symptom evaluation.

No Medicine Dosage Frequency
1 Pachanamrutham Kashayam 60 ml Twice daily
2 Madhukasavam 25 ml Thrice daily
3 Tribhuvanakeerthi Rasam 1 tab (with ginger juice) Twice daily
4 Raktha Vridhi Sindhooram 1 pkt with lemon juice, ginger juice, honey Twice daily
5 Hinguvachadi Choornam 1 tsp Twice daily
6 Drakshadi Panam Drink frequently s-o-s
7 Pinda Tailam For External Application


Suggestions per analysis: Lifestyle Modifications

The patient was advised to follow dietary restrictions crucial for managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Ayurveda:
• Avoid heavy-to-digest foods.
• Consume freshly cooked meals only with seasonal vegetables.
• Drink lukewarm water for better digestion
• Eat only after the previous meal is fully digested to avoid indigestion: Fill half of the stomach with food, one-quarter with water, and leave one-quarter empty for digestion.
• Avoid excessive processed, spicy, oily, and fried foods.
• Exclude certain vegetables (tomato, potato, brinjal, peas, cauliflower), fruits (citrus, jackfruit, mango), pulses (kidney beans, green peas, black gram, horse gram), dairy products (curd, butter), and beverages (cold drinks, coffee, tea, soft drinks).
• Avoid cold water baths

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