Best ayurvedic treatment for frozen shoulder

A 50-year-old patient was experiencing a sharp and persistent pain originating from the right shoulder joint. The patient also reported experiencing significant restriction in movements and stiffness in the same area. The pain was found to intensify with any movement, causing considerable discomfort to the patient. Upon physical examination, the medical professional noticed that the patient’s shoulder joint was particularly tender. Even after consulting with multiple allopathic physicians, the patient’s condition remained unresolved. He was frustrated and seeking relief, so he decided to travel to this facility to undergo a comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment The patient trusted the skilled Ayurvedic practitioners at Sree Subramania Ayurvedic Nursing Home to find a better way to manage his condition. After just one month of IP management, the pain became much less intense, and he could move his hands without stiffness.


MRI Report

Supraspinatus and subscapularis tendinosis.

Irregular articular sided partial thickness tear involving the critical zone and footprint of anterior fibers of supraspinatus tendon.

Minimal fluid in subacromial and subcoracoid bursa.

Mild edematous thickening of inferior gleno-humeral ligament, likely adhesive capsulitis.

The course of treatment in the hospital

Internal medicine

  • Pachanamrutam kashayam+ amrita guggulu
  • Chandamaruta
  • Kaseesa kalpa sindhoora
  • Hinguvachadi choornam
  • Kushtantaka choorna
  • Vatari grita
  • Navakarshika Kashaya
  • Gokshuradi guggulu
  • Brihatyadi kashayam
  • Guggulu panchapala
  • Tribhuvana Keerthi rasa
  • Punarnavasavam
  • Gokshura punarnavadi
  • Prasaranyadi kashayam
  • Thrayodasanga gulgguluu
  • Vatarakshasa bhasmam
  • Pamanthaka choornam
  • Ashtachoornam
  • Prasaranyadi Kashayam 


Sl.No. Procedure Medicine Days Performed
1. Choorna pinda sweda Rasna aswagandhadi choorna 20 days
2. Lepa /theppu Grihadhoomadi choorna 26 days
3. Nasya Karpasathyadi tailam 28 days
4. Dhara (local) Dhanyamla 7 days
5. Dhara -whole body Dhanyamla 8 days
6. Choorna vasti Vaiswanara choorna 3 days

Advices given at the time of discharge

  • Continue the medication
  • Avoid strenuous activities.
  • Exercise should be followed as prescribed.
  • Maintain a regular time for sleep at night.
  • Avoid sleep in day time
  • Expose to morning sunlight daily for some time
  • Avoid spicy and sour food
  • Avoid junk food including finished bakery products
  • Always take fresh food after complete digestion of the previous intake.
  • Drink boiled water whenever required
  • Take meals at scheduled timing without skipping.

Avoid the habit of reheating the food

(Note* –

  • Here are Some of the medications prescribed to address the patient’s accompanying symptoms.
  • This is a specialized plan for a person, please do not try it at home without the supervision of an Ayurvedic Doctor)

Ayurveda in Frozen Shoulder 

  1. Rasna aswagandhadhi choornakizhi

Pinda Sweda or choorna kizhi is a form of therapy that is used to treat diseases of the bone, joint, muscle and nerve systems related to stiffness, inflammation and swelling. Choorna means coarse or fine powder made of medicinal herbs. pinda means bolus. sweda means fomentation or sudation.The Swedana karma or sudation therapy given by using a bolus which is prepared by the combination of different medicinal herb powders is called as Churna pinda sweda or Podi kizhi. This procedure is specified under dry fomentation.


Podikizhi has been found to have a range of positive effects, including increasing peripheral blood supply, reducing body aches, strengthening muscles and skin, reducing inflammation of the joints, acting as a muscle relaxant and reducing joint stiffness.


35 to 45 min

Mode of action

The elevated temperature and pharmacological properties of the product result in vasodilation, resulting in an increase in blood circulation to the affected region. This in turn provides nourishment and eliminates toxins. This increases the rate at which the diseased free radicals are removed from the skin cells. This nourishes the skin and improves muscle function. This therapy has a sudation effect. Thermal stimulation from medicinal herbs can reduce pain, inflammation, stress, and stiffness, while also promoting better sleep.


  • Muscular spasm
  • Cervical spondylitis
  • Lumbar spondylitis
  • Swelling
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Paralysis
  • Sprains and cramps
  1. Lepa/Thepp

The local use of herbal paste is referred to as “Lepam”. powder the medicinal herbs into fine form and mix it with a medium of water, herbal oil, milk, water used for washing rice, a fermented liquid called dhanyamla or decoctions. This paste is then applied to the affected area.Lepam absorbs the swelling and reduces inflammation from the affected part transdermally.


Lepam has a wide range of uses from cosmetic purposes to severe skin conditions and musculoskeletal conditions. It proves very effective in psoriasis like skin conditions, acne, pigmentation, arthritis with swelling and pain, and injuries. The herbs in the Lepam help to improve blood circulation and nourishment of the tissues thus leading to overall health improvement.pain and inflammation will be relieved after this procedure. The lepam acts as an analgesic and also helps to reduce inflammation.

  1. Dhanyamala dhara

Dhara is a type of Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of a warm herbal liquid in a small, continuous, and rhythmic flow over the body, or an affected area. The healing process is done by pouring the liquid medium into a special vessel and keeping it at a lukewarm temperature for a period of 45 minutes to 1 hour per day.

Dhanyamla is very effective in treating conditions caused by kapha vata. It can help in reducing obesity, inflammation, and muscle pain, as well as activating nerves. It can also be used as a remedy for hemiplegia and rheumatic conditions.

  1. Choornavasti

Vasti is a panchakarma procedure that involves the administration of medicinal products through the anal route. The contents of Vasti may include decoction or an oil. choornavasti is a combination of vaiswanara Choorna and hot water, which contains the ingredient Vaiswanara Chorna. This combination has been found to reduce pain and swelling due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Nasyam

Nasya therapy is a form of Ayurvedic medicine known as Panchakarma, which involves the administration of prescribed medication through the nostrils. this therapy is particularly effective in treating a variety of conditions mainly affecting the above purifies and widens the nasal passages, thereby enhancing the oxygenation process, which is directly related to brain function.


  • Arthritis
  • Disc prolapses
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Obesity
  • Psoriasis
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Bronchitis
  • Shoulder pains etc.

The journey to recovery begins with a visit to a healthcare professional. Performing a thorough evaluation, including physical examinations and imaging studies helps to identify the root cause of your stiff neck and shoulders, enabling the development of a tailored treatment plan. If you need advice, please contact us at SSANH which is the best Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala.

Call Us : +91-75940 03003

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