Jayanti, a 40-year-old female patient from Tamil Nadu, has been experiencing multiple joint pains, particularly in the neck, and has noted swelling in her left knee that has persisted for three months. She also experiences a burning sensation in her mouth, has a history of diabetes that was managed with metformin and elevated cholesterol levels. Moreover she reports morning stiffness that makes it challenging to climb stairs, a reduced appetite, and decreased sleep, for which she has been on medication for two years. Additionally, she has suffered from recurrent oral ulcers for the last year, accompanied by a sensation of dryness in the mouth. The patient reports loose stools occurring twice daily for the past two years. Jayanti has a history of hysterectomy and currently presents with noticeable swelling. Recent laboratory results from May 19, 2024, indicate a rheumatoid factor of 40, a C-reactive protein level of 10.2, and a hemoglobin level of 11.6.After taking 14 days of IP Ayurvedic treatment from Sree Subhramania Ayurvedic Nursing Home patient got significant improvement in symptoms.

External application

  • Dhanyamladhara
  • Dashamoola ellu theppu
  • Nadiswedam
  • Local Abhyanga
  • Sira vedanam
  • Tiktakaghritam + tiktaka choornam on tongue
  • udwartanam(Left)
  • Upanaham

Internal medicine

• Guluchyadi kashayam-15ml BD with 30ml warm water
• Tribhuvana keerthi rasam
• Thiktaka choornam ½ tsp with water

• Amrithotharam kashayam-15 ml BD with 30 ml water
• Amrita guggulu -1-0-1 with kashayam
• Trilokarakshamani 1-0-1 wither ginger juice

• Guluchyadi +amritotharam kashayam

• Drakshadi kashayam -15 ml BD with 30 ml water +tiktaka gritam 1 tsp BD with kashayam

• Continue guluchyadi kashayam

• Guloochyadi kashayam + drakashadi kashayam 15 ml BD with 30 ml water +tiktaka ghrita – ½ tsp

(Note* –
• Here are some of the medications prescribed to address the patient’s accompanying symptoms.
• This is a specialized plan for a person, please do not try it at home without the supervision of an Ayurvedic Doctor)

Used Medicine list

1. Folitrax 12.5 mg Friday1/7 A/F 2 weeks
2. Folvite 5 mg 6/7 except Friday A/F 1 weeks
3. Rejoint 1-0-1 A/F 1 weeks
4. Merita 0-1-0 A/F 1 weeks
5. PAN 40mg 1-0-0 B/F 1 weeks
6. CALTEN –D 0-0-1 A/F 1 weeks
7. NAPROXEN 500 mg 1-0-1 A/F 1 Week
8. Augmentin 625 mg 1-0-1 A/F 1 week

Patient was advised to reduce the dosage of allopathic medicine that she was using since months. Those medicines were replaced with Ayurvedic medicines to avoid the withdrawal difficulties and signs of dependance. Initial treatment includes deepana pachana and it is followed by brihmana line of treatment. So medicine and duration of treatment may change based on person’s condition. Patient should follow personalized pathya apathyas which are recommended during treatment .Otherwise, you will not get the desired result properly on time

Changes in symptoms after taking Ayurvedic treatment

1. Joint pain 40% 70%
2. Morning stiffness 50% 90%
3. Dryness of mouth 40% 50%
4. Knee joint swelling 40% 60%
5. Burning sensation in mouth 50% 60%
6. Reduced appetite 60% 100%
7. Loss of sleep 60% 100%
8. Loose stools 40% 100%

Mode of action of medicines


Dhanyamla sarvanga dhara contains properties like Laghu (light), Snighda (slimy), Teekshana (pungent) and hot potency. Due to these properties it is having actions like anti inflammatory, anti histaminic, analgesic, carminative and digestive properties at cellular level and connective tissue breakdown.

Dashamoola ellu theppu

Lepa an Ayurvedic topical application, can be used as a complementary treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA).lepa’s constituents have anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and antioxidant qualities that can help break down the disease’s pathogenesis. Lepa can be applied locally to affected joints with dhanyamla to reduce pain, swelling, tenderness, and stiffness.


Nadi Swedana is a Sweating  procedure where sweating is accomplished with the use of a unique tubular device called a nadi swedana yanthra to administer steam over the desired body area .Nadi Swedana produces relief in all sorts of Vata Vyadhi.

Local Abhyanga

Abhyanga is a therapeutic massage technique. Medicated oil is applied to the body in a specific direction with a specific pressure. The oil applied to the body surface was absorbed and spread throughout the body, resulting in a systemic or generalized effect. The herbal constituents present in the oil penetrate via the skin and absorption through the hair follicles happens mostly by subcutaneous absorption from the body’s surface.


This is a procedure of venesection that helps in the removal of vitiated materials in blood from the affected area. Additionally, it enhances local circulation and delivers superior nourishment to the area it is applied to.


Due to the patient’s obesity, medohara chikitsa is required.Udvartana efficiently releases fat that has been accumulated. The fat is broken down and liquefied so that the body can get rid of it. By correcting  toxins,aama and due to rectification of dhatwagni (tissue level metabolism) cellular health is restored. Udvartana restores health by removing the excess fat and cholesterol, and other things that negatively affects the heart’s ability to function properly.


Since upanaha is a kind of swedana, it causes hyperthermia, which enhances local lymphatic, blood flow and enhances local tissue metabolism. It lowers inflammation by altering the release of different inflammatory mediators, relaxes nearby muscles by the application of heat, speeds up the transport of transdermal drugs, and thus lessens pain.

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