Discover the Surprising Health Benefits of “Moru Kaachiyad”

Ayurveda is widely accepted as a science that provides valuable information about diet. Good health is believed to be achieved through proper digestion and metabolism of food. Food is considered as influential as medicine, with “MORUKACHIYAD” being a noteworthy example.

Digestive systems are deteriorating due to modern lifestyles and People affected with different lifestyle disorders. Many people consume buttermilk without understanding its effects. Understanding the proper method of consuming buttermilk can greatly benefit our health. Processing of Moru ie, Buttermilk added with different ingredients resulting in a healthy and delicious unique dish called Moru kachiyad.

How to prepare moru kachiyad?

You can prepare this drink by using curd and water. After blending the mixture, the fat separates from the curd and forms frothy bubbles on the top portion of the curd. Remove the fat by using a spoon or by straining through a sieve. you can remove the fat completely,half the amount, or none of the fat.

In the process of making buttermilk, water and spices are added to impart a lighter texture and facilitate digestion. Occasionally, the fat content is also eliminated. The blending of these constituents serves to enhance the process of digestion.

In Ayurveda, buttermilk, known as Takra, is helpful for digestive issues and related diseases. It’s mentioned in ancient texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Ashtanga Hridayam, highlighting its benefits in conditions such as Grahani (Sprue), Udara (Ascites), and Arsha (Piles). Buttermilk acts as Tridoshahara, balancing kapha, vata, and preventing pitta aggravation, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with various digestive and constitutional imbalances.


Furthermore, Vaidyakiya Subhashita Sahityam and Bhavaprakasha mention that while the gods attained immortality through a divine elixir (Amrut), humans have buttermilk on Earth for similar benefits. This highlights the significance of buttermilk as a health-promoting elixir. The text contains an interesting observation that even Shakra (The King of Gods – Indra) finds it difficult to obtain buttermilk, which emphasizes its exceptional value.

Importance of Buttermilk

Buttermilk is highly beneficial for the following conditions:

  • Shotha (Swelling)
  • Grahani dosha (Sprue,IBS)
  • Mutragraha (Difficulty in Micturition)
  • Udara (Ascites)
  • Aruchi (Anorexia)
  • Snehvyapad (Complications due to overuse of oily substances)
  • Garavisha (Low Potency Poison)
  • Sthoulya (Obesity)
  • Arshas(piles)
  • Bhagantara(Fistula)
  • Prameha(Diabetes)
  • Helps absorption of nutrients
  • Reduces bad cholesterol
  • supports in fat digestion
  • Helps in hydration because of its high electrolyte content
  • Restores healthy appetite
  • Relieves constipation and gas
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance because the fat, which contains lactose, is removed during its production.
  • Helpful in cases of acid reflux as it is alkaline-forming in nature.
  • Takra acts as Nectar when it is consumed during Winter season, because of its Ushna veerya property. It can be taken during Mandagni (low digestive capacity).

Types of Buttermilk

Sl. No. Types Mode Of Preparation Uses
1. Khola Curd is churned without adding water and without removing any fat. Adding water makes it useful for Vata and Pitta conditions.
2. Mathita Separate fat and the curd churned without adding water. Reduces vitiation of Kapha and Pitta
3. Takra Churning Curd by adding one fourth quantity of water Improves digestion and reduces Vata
4. Udashvit Churned curd with half part of water Increases body strength & Kapha, reducing Ama
5. Chacchika Curd is churned and fat is removed then more water is added Increasing Kapha and reducing vata

Types of Takra based on fat content

Ruksha Takra

  • butter is completely removed
  • Used in increased Kapha, reduced appetite & least body strength

Ardhodhrut Sneha

  • half of the butter is removed
  • Used in increased Pitta, moderately reduced appetite and the person with moderate body strength

Anudhrut Sneha

  • fat is not removed
  • Used in increased Vata, severely reduced Agni &Strong body strength

How to process buttermilk according to Different disease conditions?

1. Increased Vata sour buttermilk + Dry or sour buttermilk + saindhava
2. Increased Pitta sweet buttermilk + sugar
3. Increased Kapha Sweet buttermilk + Trikatu (dry ginger + pepper + Long pepper)
4. Piles & Dysentery Buttermilk + asafoetida + cumin + saindhava salt
5. Urinary Difficulties Buttermilk + jaggary
6. Anemia Buttermilk + Chitraka

When should heated or non-heated buttermilk be used?

Buttermilk, when not heated, reduces Kapha in the abdomen but increases Kapha in the throat. So heated buttermilk should be used in respiratory disorders like cough, cold and asthma.

Time period and method of use

  • Take buttermilk for seven days, ten days, fifteen days, or one month, depending on your strength and severity of the disease.
  • The amount of buttermilk consumed should increase gradually until you reach the maximum dose, and then you should decrease the dose in the same manner.
  • It’s important not to stop consuming buttermilk suddenly.

Don’ts during taking buttermilk

  • During the summer season, it is not advisable to consume buttermilk.
  • Individuals with lower body strength should avoid consuming buttermilk in large quantities.
  • Buttermilk should not be consumed when experiencing fainting, dizziness, or burning sensation, especially during Pitta aggravation.

Nutritional Values of Buttermilk

SN Contents Quantity Percentage Value
1. Calories 100
2. Total Fat 2.2 gm 4%
3. Saturated Fat 1 gm 8%
4. Cholesterol 10mg 4%
5. Sodium 260mg 10%
6. Total Carbohydrates 10g 4%
7. Protein 8g 15%
8. Vitamin A 130.00IU 2%
9. Vitamin C 5.00mg 4%
10. Calcium 30%
11. Thiamin 6%
12. Zinc 8%
13. Riboflavin 20%
14. Vitamin B-6 4%
15. Folate 4%
16. Vitamin B-12 10%
17. Phosphorus 20%
18. Magnesium 8%
19. Potassium 370 mg
20. Calcium 284 mg
21. Protein 16.55g 33.1%
22. Iron 0.25mg 1.4%

Buttermilk is a liquid produced from curd. it is a unique and healthy low-fat dairy product.  It comes in two main types: traditional and cultured. Traditional buttermilk is the liquid remaining after churning the curd, while cultured buttermilk is a fermented dairy product. The sour taste of buttermilk comes from lactic acid bacteria, like Streptococcus lactis or Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, which make it tart. Buttermilk becomes more acidic as lactic acid is produced by breaking down lactose, the main sugar in milk. This increased acidity lowers the milk’s pH, causing it to curdle as the main milk protein, casein, separates out.

Benefits of Haridra or turmeric

Haridra or turmeric is an important herb used for both medical and religious purposes and is considered as a golden medication in Ayurveda. This spice is widely used in cooking where it is an essential ingredient in curries and other ethnic dishes. Since ancient times, Ayurvedic medicine which combines the therapeutic benefits of plants with food has also used turmeric.It has been mentioned in several texts from the ancient era to Nighantu Kala in relation to various illnesses and preventive measures. Known for its auspicious properties, cosmetic and religious significance, this medication is widely used in Ayurveda. Haridra plays a crucial role in preventing and managing Prameha.It is frequently used to treat illnesses like Visha, Krimi, Aruchi, Apachi, Pandu, and so on.A number of published research demonstrate that turmeric suppresses the proliferation of multiple cancer cell types. Numerous investigations have demonstrated curcumin’s non-toxicity to people.It works wonders for repairing wounds. It offers defence against infections of the respiratory tract. Curcumin reduces the growth of Helicobacter pylori that causes gastric ulcer. Lead and cadmium are two examples of heavy metals that curcumin can interact with and lessen their toxicity (Vishahara property). This characteristic of curcumin explains why it protects the brain. Numerous analytical results demonstrate its antimicrobial, insecticidal, antifungal, and anti-parasitic properties (Krimigna); cholagogue and antihepatotoxic properties (effect on Udara roga and Grahani), hepato-protective properties, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-fertility properties, antiarthritic properties, hypolipidemic properties (Medaghna) and antihistaminic properties.

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