A male patient named Sadakur Rahman hailing from BANGLADESH aged 28, working at Suadi Arabia consulted at our OPD on 6 th june 2017 for 3rd coarse of treatment. The patient consulted at our OPD at the year 2014 complaining of pain in low back region aggravated since 2years and also pain in upper back region since 8 months .At the time of admission the patients history is as follows ,he was asymptomatic since 5 years . As a part of his job he used to drive his 4 wheeler for kilometers which gradually made him paining at his low back region . He noticed pain aggravates on continuous driving and is relived on resting , took allopathic medication for the same and got temporary relief .As years passed slowly the pain radiated to his right leg occasionally . 8 months before he lifted a weight by hand made him pain at his upper back . On palpation tenderness grade 1 was noticed on lumbar spine L3 L4 L5 S1 and cervical spine was intact .Patient was advised for an MRI Lumbar spine ,impression shows posterior disc bulge at L3 \L4 . Patient is not under any other stream of medication and is not having any other illness. This was diagnosed as kateegraha.
Treatment done follows :
- Internal medicines :
- Vatarirasam
- Kaisora guggulu
- Rasna saptakam ksayam
- Rasasindhooram
- Sankha bhasmam
- Annabhedhi rasam
- Choorna kizhi
- Choorna vasti
- Taila vasthi
- Kasaya vasthi
- Agnikarma on upper back
Condition After 1st course of treatment:
- patient was comfortable
- Pain on both upper and lower back region relived
- General health improved
- low back exercise
Discharge Medicines:
- Vatarirasam
- Kaisoraguggulu
- Rasnamrutam
- Yoggarajaguggulu
- Rasasindhooram
- Bhootanada tailam
- Ksheerabala tailam
- Rasnadhi choornam for head
2nd course of treatment (2015)
Patient complaints of the same but the intensity of pain was less compared to 1 st coarse .Sleep reduced.
The MRI report shows minimal theca compression and posterior disc bulge at L3\L4 compared with 1st course of treatment .
Treatments done:
- Internal medicines :
- Vatarirasam
- Kaisoraguggulu
- Rasasaptakam
- Choorna kizhi
- Dhanyamladhara
- Choornavasthi
- Talam with ksheerabala ,kachooradhi choornam
- Lepanam with ghrhadhoomadi choornam
- Tailavasthi
- Kasayavasthi
- Lavanakizhi
- Agnikarma
After 2nd Coarse of Treatmaent:
- Pain markedly reduced
- Sound sleep attained
Discharge Medicine:
- Vatarirasam
- Kaisoraguggulu
- Rasnamrutam
- Yoggarajaguggulu
- Rasasindhooram
- Bhootanada tailam
- Ksheerabala tailam
- Rasnadhi choornam for head
3rd course of treatment (2017)
Now at 3 rd course of treatment at 2017 , MRI report shows a compared result that the degree of disc prolapse is reduced at L5\S1 which is enclosed with this .
At present patient is admitted for low back pain which only triggers during driving.
Treatments done:
- Internal medicines :
- Vatarirasam
- Kaisora guggulu
- Rasanasaptakam kasayam
- Choorna kizhi
- Taila vasthi
- Kasaya vasthi
- Prushta vasthi
- physiotherapy
- kativasti
After the 3 rd course of treatment patient is more comfortable, pain completely relieved and the patient is able to bend properly without pain and pain in upper back also decreased .Attained proper sleep.
Comparing 3 course treatment the patient is well relieved by the treatments offered and is not following any pain relieving medicines.