Pain in the vein is always pathetic. It can even result in lacking concentration for the terrific pain. There are different types of vein pains human body suffer from. Like Greater saphenous varicose veins, Lesser saphenous varicose veins, Branch type varicose vein, Genital area varicose vein and Reticular type and Web type varicose vein. Also, there are various different source or causes by which varicose veins are seen ruling your power to run your veins a normal.
The different causes are as follows:-
- Weakened valves: Varicose veins, caused by debilitated valves in the veins of the legs, alludes to a condition in which the veins of the legs wind up varicose, i.e. they seem swollen and swelling and can be recognized underneath the surface of the skin.
- Excessive pressure: When legs and stomach area bear inordinate pressure, and they are expedited by propelling age, corpulence, pregnancy, hormonal changes, etc. which may incorporate hereditary or epigenetic factors as varicose veins frequently keep running in families.
- Inadequate diet: It causes the loss of versatility of the veins, which may make them varicose. Remaining for extended periods, participating in a physical movement that puts more strain on the legs, wearing constrictive apparel and aggregate absence of activity can offer to ascend to varicosis.
This disease or deficiency when occurs, it often comes up with symptoms like Excruciating and convoluted veins externally observed on the legs, weight in the legs, swelling in the lower leg joint in the wake of remaining for quite a while, subsequent to strolling or by the early night and blazing sensation or tingling sensation in the lower appendages.
Treatment for Varicose Veins
We all know that home or herbal remedy is one kind of this treatment. But, otherwise, the different kind of approach to the treatment of Varicose Veins are as follows.
- Conventional Treatment: This is often done by oneself, then it includes exercises, weight loss, loose-fitting clothes, to ignore standing for hours of a period and to ignore desk-bound daily life. To wear stockings that compress is one of the ideal methods. If either of the above mentioned two methods fails then the method to take up will be sclerotherapy surgery, vein strippingsurgery, laser surgery or catheter-assisted surgery.
- Ayurvedic Treatment: Avoiding junk food, very spicy food, foods those are immense salty to intake dry food. A huge number of different drugs are also offered in this Treatment. Herbal and herbo-mineral drugs that help to get recover these condition are Punarnava guggulu, Nagarjunabhra rasa, Arjunarishta, Abhraka bhasma, Chandanasava, Rasa sindoora and Sarivadyasava. This is recommended to be the very best treatment for varicose veins.
- Leech Treatment: In olden days Leeches were used to treat Varicose vein. Once the leech attaches itself to the patients skin and starts sucking blood, its saliva enters the body along with other enzymes to give positive effects. Because of its anticoagulation effects, the blood becomes thinner and flows freely through the vessels. Also, Leech therapy gives very good results to non healing varicose ulcer which is very old.
- Ulcer Treatment: When the analysis is affirmed, venous leg ulcers can be viable, treated by great injury mind and the utilization of pressure treatment that can enhance the venous stream and reduction the swelling of the legs. This is called varicose ulcer treatment.
In the whole of India, varicose veins treatment in Kerala is known to be the best treatment for varicose veins.